Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Long Update with some pics!!

Wow it’s been a LONG time!! I’m sorry all! I will try harder to post something more frequently (I know I keep saying that but I will try! promise!) Life sure has been crazy the past couple of months! Filled with many adventures! So this is going to be a LONG post… be prepared!

So… Since I haven’t posted anything since April… Why don’t I start by filling everyone in on what went down in May… Most of May was spent working long and late hours helping Kathy finish her packets for graduation. After doing that I definitely don’t miss high school although it did make me miss school… college to be exact. I really can’t wait to go back and get my degree! Hopefully sooner rather than later!

Anyway… May… was a great time for ROADTRIPS! Amanda, Kathy and I headed down to Vegas… The drive down was the best part of the trip! (weird… I KNOW! lol) I did enjoy shopping on the strip! Our hotel was amazing!!  With a wonderful pool that I did enjoy a day in! and last but not least… I rode the New York New York roller coaster… and boy does that ride hurt your neck! lol I will probably NEVER ride it again… but at least I can say I rode a roller coaster in Vegas haha.

My camera didn’t like me to much down in Vegas so Kak has all the pics… Although I will share the only one I have.. lol Enjoy! Group hug with the Coca cola polar bear!!

Vegas 09

May ended with Kak’s graduation!! What an AWESOME day! I don’t know anyone who deserved to graduate and walk with her class more than she did. She busted her butt to get her packets done with everything else going on!  She is AMAZING! again… I don’t have any pics… Sad I KNOW!! I will post some as soon as I get some!


June was such a great month! It started out with Kak’s birthday!! So our tradition for the past couple years has been that just the girls celebrate on the birthday… Well Kathy was not to happy with that… she wanted Blake to join in on the birthday fun… Little did she know… that was always the plan!  It started out with us making her breakfast… After the food was ready we told Kathy that her present was waiting on the porch.  She opened the door and Blake was there holding her present.  She freaked… it was such a great surprise! After we all headed to Seven peaks for a fun filled day of swimming!! After a quick nap (on my part lol) and showers we headed to dinner and than up to the drive-in.  I can’t believe Kak is 18! Crazy! Love you girl! Here are some fun pics from her birthday.


What a fun week! I haven’t been in years! and it was sooo nice! I got so TAN! (don’t worry didn’t last long! lol) Days filled with sleeping under the stars (my favorite!!) fishing, boating, wakeboarding, reading, relaxing, listening to music, watching movies! Who could have asked for a better week!! Here are some pics! :)

The rest of June was spent working hard, and painting my house. We got Amanda’s room, the laundry room and the guest bedroom all painted! I can’t wait to finish the rest of the house! it’ll look so nice once it is all done! I don’t have any pics of the painting but will post some once the house is done! :)  I have also been working on my recipe book! I have found so many recipes I can’t wait to try!


July was full of family time! I spent almost every spare moment that I wasn’t working with family! It’s was sooo nice! Amanda DeMille spent the 4th with us! It was so fun! Her, Kathy, Blake and I headed down to provo for the freedom festival. After we were so tired we just crashed at my house! That night we watched some awesome fireworks!!

Kathy moved down to St. George… Which is so sad! But I am so happy for her! It’s exciting for her to experience new things. Although I miss her dearly! 

Amanda moved in with me! It’s been sooo nice! I love it!! I am excited to see what adventures are in store for us!! It’s so nice to have her go with me to our single’s ward!

Kathy came up towards the end of July to pack up her stuff and get ready for her big move. While she was here we had a ton of fun! Shopping, watching movies, chilling, and the SPANISH FORK RODEO!!! I haven’t been to a rodeo in years… but I had so much fun!! Kak and I decided to go all out and wear cowboy hats and cowboyish clothes… as best we could on a low budget! lol Here are some fun pics of that!

This was a very hot clown we enjoyed watching! lol

So I think I got everything… I promise to post more soon!

Oh how could I forget! In June one of our dog had puppies! There are so cute! As of Sunday they are living with Amanda and I in American Fork. I will be so sad when Paco leaves but as of right now I am just enjoying all the time I can with him. Paco and Crawl are so fun to play and cuddle with! Here are some of the latest pics I have of them!!!


Sorry the pics aren’t the best… they are from my phone.. .but you can still see how CUTE they are!!! LOVE Them!