Friday, September 18, 2009


I was sent this video clip of a talk Elder Uchtdorf gave on hope. I loved it and just wanted to share. I hope you enjoy it as well! It’s only 2 mins long and totally worth the time!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

I LOVE music!!!

Okay so I only have time for a really quick post… But I just wanted to share my favorite CD with you all so you can enjoy it as much as I am!! I am currently in LOVE with Colbie Caillat’s new album Breakthrough! Seriously Love it!!! SO GOOD!!

My favorite songs off the Album are…

  • Fallin’ For You
  • Break Through
  • You Got Me
  • Runnin’ Around
  • Fearless
  • I won’t
  • I Never Told You
  • Hold Your Head High
  • Begin Again (there are two versions on the cd and I love them both!)

Okay.. I just love ALL the songs on the CD. I fall asleep to them every night! LOL


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Life sure is a roller coaster!!!

Yesterday was sure one of those days that make life truly seem like a roller coaster. My day started off great. Went to work and got a TON of work done!! Amanda and I have been sharing my car since her car has been having some troubles recently. She picked me up and we headed home.

When we got home Amanda went and let our sweet puppies out of their cage. She pulled them out of their cage and Paco, my sweet baby, was shaking and had a blank stare on his face. What a horrible sight to see from you puppy, especially when he is only 11 weeks old! We rushed him to the vet. By the time we got there he had thrown up twice and for a while seemed lifeless. The doctor did a TON of tests and come to find out he is he has hypoglycemia. Which means his blood sugar level gets low. If not taken care of he can have seizures and could possibly die. Sometimes it may only happen once to a dog and we were instructed to go home and if it happened again we were to give him sugar water and call the vet.

We got home and everything was going fine. It had been hours with no more episodes. I went to bed and around 12:30 Amanda came rushing into my room crying, holding both dogs and saying Crawl (Amanda’s dog) was having an episode. It was actually Paco who was having another episode. We did as instructed and the episode passed. Thank goodness!!

First thing this morning I called the vet and was instructed to go buy some meds/vitamins filled with sugar. We have to give it to him 4-6 times per day. I went and bought some right after work and gave him some as soon as I got home. Luckily it has been almost one whole day and no episode! YAY!!! Also the doctor said he should get over it by the time he is 6 months old! Only 3 months to go!!!

I can honestly say that that was one of the scariest experiences I have ever had! I could not handle it if Paco would not have made it. I am SO happy and thankful that everything is okay and that he will eventually grow out of it! If we stay on top of it there will be no side effects to my sweet baby! It’s difficult and sad that he has this problem but better something that will most likely not effect him badly but also will go away with in a few months!

Here are the latest pictures of our cute puppies!! ENJOY! :)

Paco loves getting his tummy rubbed! Just like his daddy!

Crawl loves his bones!

Paco is so smart! He is smaller then Crawl but has learned how to climb up the couch. Crawl still needs help. lol

 My sweet baby Paco.

Me and the puppies
Me and my boys!!