Sunday, January 24, 2010

Does this mean I am actually all caught up??

Things sure have been crazy recently!! I can’t believe it’s been months since I have last posted! I am really going to try harder to post more this year! At least once a month ;)

So just a quick catch up on things in my life the past few months. October was a TON of fun! Filled with parties, Haunted houses (Amanda, Sean and I went to everyone from Provo to Salt Lake! SOOO FUN) Vanessa’s Birthday, decorating, Halloween Shopping,  pumpkin carving, and a new job. Here are a few pics of my month (sorry no pics of the haunted houses… the camera was somehow always left at home :( lol)

DSC02000 DSC01995  DSC02023DSC02183DSC02197 DSC02011DSC02202 Gev and Lyla Adam- Indiana Jones  

Novemeber was a month of first… Amanda and I cooked Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year for the first time. It was quite an adventure cooking the turkey! Luckily it turned out great! We also decorated our Christmas tree. It turned out so  nice! I LOVED it! :)

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December was full of excitement! I got to spend some time with the Herrmann’s! LOVE them! Lily taught me how to make homemade pizza! (new goal: learn how to cook more new foods!) Thanks Lily!! You’re the best! Urs went to her first High School dance. It was so much fun dress shopping and helping her get ready! She looked so pretty! Kak and Blake came up for Christmas! Amanda and I had so much fun getting things looking all cute for Christmas (as you can see in the pictures above!) Vanessa was in Peru for Christmas (I missed her a ton! but and so glad she is home!) Last but not least Christmas day my mom’s dog had her puppies. Christmas didn’t even feel like Christmas. Amanda and I didn’t get to exchange gifts until late in the afternoon and were even rushed so we could help with the puppies. She had 9 puppies total. I haven’t gotten those pictures off the camera but here are 2 from my phone! I hope you all had a great holiday season!

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January has been crazy busy. Most of my time I have been working! between the 2 jobs and volunteering at the hospital I work 9-10 hour days. I am exhausted when I get home but honestly I love it right now! It’s a wonderful feeling know you have accomplished a lot in one day! My mom’s birthday was fun. After we got off work we went to eat at a Chinese restaurant, sang, gave her her gift, and then went and watched a movie. Just what she wanted to do. I am pretty sure we got at least one picture that day (or at least I hope :s) Anyway I love you mom! I hope you had a great birthday! You deserve it!! Thank you for always being there for me!

So in a quick summary… Overall 2009 ended with some GREAT memories. I am sure excited to see what 2010 has in store for me! So far it has been a BLAST! I am so excited for this upcoming week! I know it is going to be unforgettable! and I hope you all have a GREAT week as well!


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I am still alive! LOL

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a really long time since I have posted anything! I promise to do a REALLY long post this week to catch everyone up on my crazy life! I hope you are all doing well! Love you all!!