Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tagged baby!

First off…. I know I FAILED the last 5 days of the 30 days challenge. To be honest I thought they were pretty silly. So Sorry!

Second… I’ve been TAGGED! By Kak! So here it goes.

Four Shows I Watch:
1. Grey’s Anatomy
2. 90210
3. CSI (Only Vegas)
4. Keeping Up With The Kardashians haha

Four Things I'm Passionate About:
1. My Family
2. My Friends
3. My Pets
4. Life?

Four Phrases I Say A Lot:
1. I love you
2. Babe
3. I’m tired!! hahaha
4. Fo Sho!! or Fo Shizzle!!

Four Things I've Learned from the Past:
1. Don’t spend your money on silly things.
2. Your sisters will be your best friends!
3. Come what may and Love it!
4. Early to bed early to rise!

Four Places I Would Like to Go:
1. Peru
2. New York
3. Europe
4. England

Four Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Slept
2. Worked
3. Visited my Brother
4. Got donuts with Nessa

Four Things I'm Looking Forward to:
1. The New Year!
2. Finishing up some projects.
3. Sleep tonight hahaha
4. Possibly going to school!!

Four Things I Love About Winter:
1. Snuggling in warm blankets
2. Hot Chocolate
3. Snow ball fights!
4. Building snow men!!

Four Things on My Wish List:
1. Change in Finances
2. Camera! 
3. Shoes

Four People I Tag:
1. Zana
2. Hayley
3. Ashley
4. Who ever else wants to :)