Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cedar City Baby!!!

So last week was sooo much fun! Anzana and I left for Cedar City late Wednesday afternoon and arrived shortly after 7 where we met up with Amanda and her brother Thomas after we checked into our hotel. We ate dinner at Winger's (no suprise there right? lol) Where we spent the whole time laughing and than ended the night swimming in the hotel pool! The next day as we waited for Thomas to get off work we went to the Shakespeare festival where we found some fun souveniers! Then being us... we went to St. George for some shopping!! Don't worry we all spent more money that we should have but it was well worth it!!! After dinner we met up with Thomas at Harmony's firestation where he works and got a tour and had fun watching Amanda play on the firetrucks. Although our trip was only one night... it was so much fun!!! Def a trip for the books!! :D

Monday, July 7, 2008

My amazing sister!

Well as most of you know my sister Amanda is an amazing singer! Music is her life! She is always playing her guitar, singing songs, or writing lyrics to her new songs! Well something happened yesterday that was pretty cool. She was sitting on the porch at my moms house singing and playing on her guitar when she looked up and saw this guy watching her. Well she started talking to him and he began telling her how good she was and told her that she was exactly what they were looking for. He said she should come and sing at their open mic night! He gave her his card and said if she was interested to give him a call! I have been trying her to get her to go try out for American Idol and so maybe this will be the push she needs. I will keep you posted on when she is going to perform and would love for all of you to come out and cheer her on!! Yay Amanda! You can check her out at

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day!!

I would have to say this past 4th of July for me was one for the books! It started out with my two sisters Amanda, Vanessa and I heading to Provo's freedom festival. There we meet up with our cousins Iris and Sandra where we all had fun going through the booths and spending a little bit of money. Afterwards the girls had fun helping out at our family booth selling food from our grandmas restaurant La Carretta!

After that Vanessa and I headed to The Stadium of Fire! We had gone early to get a good parking spot and as my sister Amanda was about to drop us off we realized our car was not where we had left it. Well what had happened was that the security officers who we and many other cars had asked where we could park gave us the wrong information. Thus they had moved my car! My first reaction was that they had towed my car and I had no idea how I was going to pay to get it out!! Well I was finally able to get an answer regarding my car.... they had moved it to a different parking lot and since the officer said that he had given people permission to park in that lot the cars were not towed to a tow lot. They were just moved. You can imagine how happy I was
to find out that I didn't have to pay ANYTHING!! Yay!! After that scary moment Vanessa and I went and found our seats for the show! We had some time before the show started so we went and bought Vanessa a Miley Cyrus shirt which she LOVES! :D As you can see the picture. Shortly after that the show began!! Blue Man Group of course was awesome!!! and Miley was very good as well!! Of course watching Vanessa's excitement for the Miley made the show 10 times better!! We had fun singing and dancing and screaming all night long! The night ended with an amazing firework show of course!!! I would not have spent my day any other way! Here are a few pictures of the concert. ENJOY!!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Cedar City here we come!!!

Hey everyone!!
So I have been wanting to get away and go on a road trip with some friends and everytime something has come up so we haven't been able to do it. Well the time has finally come!! Although it is just a two day one night trip to Cedar City I am still way excited to go!! I will be going with my BFF Anzana and we will be picking up our friend Amanda and she will be driving home with us! For those of you who know us the best part of the trip will of course be the drive home listening to our crazy music with our crazy car dancing and of course hanging out at the pool begining our tan for Anzana's Wedding!!