Monday, September 29, 2008

Fairy Tales???

This past weekend was one of my best friends wedding. It really got me thinking about a few things... first off, how much we have been through! She knows everything there is to know about me and has helped me get through some pretty hard times. I don't know where I would be if it wasn't for her!! She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress! I still can't believe she is married! It then got me thinking... does everygirl get her "fairy tale"? Is there just one prince charming out there for each girl? In my case I sometimes think it is true. All my thoughts come back to one. Well for all of you know who know me I am sure you can all guess who that one is, and know that I am a very shy girl and just hope that if I just wait it will all come into place on it's own. Well in my case that is not so true. I finally stepped out of my "comfort zone" and finally told him! Yay me! Even if nothing happens I am happy I did. As of right now that is all the news I have to share but if anything else happens I will let you know! Even if we are just friends I couldn't be happier about it! I truly believe life is to short to not let the people you love know how much you truly love them! Who knows in the end the outcome could suprise you! I sure how it does me! :D

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much!!

Well I have had a crazy past couple of months! Most of it has been a blast! It all has really got me thinking! I am def. living my life to the fullest. Life is def. to short to just let the days pass you by. Enjoy and learn from each day! Here is just a little preview of what I have been up to... In May I took a CNA class and am one test away from getting my CNA!! Yay me! I would have been done sooner but during my move lost some of my papers... :s but I have found them and now I am just waiting for the voucher to schedule the test date! I can't wait to be done and to get a job! Than it was just time for work... I am still working for my dad. I hit the 4 year mark this past June and am loving every minute of it! Although it is really stressful it is always full adventures and keeps me on my toes! School was out and I loved spending time with my sisters! Wether catching a movie, going to Lagoon or just chilling at home we have had a lot of fun!! Since April I had a ton of fun living with Anzana... well with her wedding coming up it was time for me to get a place of my own. Luckily my mom and step dad have an extra house in AF and they let me move in. I LOVE IT! It's such a cute little cozy house! It took a few weeks to get everything installed... ie a kitchen sink lol... but now everything is done and The only thing I would change would be the front yard... It is all full of weeds :( but with winter coming... not much I can do right now. I lived in the house alone for a little less than a month and than my brother moved in. It has been nice having someone else around! The next adventure came in August. Some of my family went to Hawaii and flew out to Cali where I was able to fly out and meet them. It was such a BLAST!! We stayed in the nicest hotel! and went to Disneyland all 3 days we were there! I have not had the chance to go there in about 5 years and had the best time ever!!... Most exciting is I get to go again in OCTOBER! Yay me! Other than all that exciting stuff in my life... My best friend is getting married this Saturday!! I can't believe it! I have the opportunity to watch them plan it all and be part of it. I wish you 2 the best and all the love in the world!! For your enjoyment... here are a few pics of my disneyland trip! Enjoy! :D
RIP mamita cata... Te amo mucho!!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Some pics of me.

Well here ya go... Just a few pics of me.

My and my 3 Sisters!!

Last christmas for my mom's christmas present my sisters and I decide we would go out and take some pictures of her girls. We had so much fun and we can't wait to do it again this year! Maybe this year we can get an early start and have more than just one days worth of pictures :) Here are some of my favs!