Wednesday, April 29, 2009


SOOO… even though I don’t love the weeding part… I love planting flowers and seeing them in the yard when I am all done… so I decided that I really want to plant flowers in a month at my house (wherever I am leaving at the time haha) :) They just bright the day! I can’t wait!  Here are some of my favorite flowers… Although I don’t like picking out flowers to plant haha I am excited to decide which ones I will put in my yard. PansiesCardassorted-roses tulipsaqua%20lilies%20WEBdancing%20daisies%20WEB 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Couple More Pages…

OK so I haven't had much time to do more digital scrapbooking pages the past couple of months... but I do have a couple more... Of course if you read my blog you will probably already have seen most of them since I like to put them as the title picture... but here you go anyway! :D Keep in mind I am still learning and getting more "elements" to use on my pages. These pages are of me and my Twin cousins Dallen and Tyler. They are so cute!! I love them!! This one I made for Kathy. It is of her and her missionary. I made it as a sort of "reward" for all her packets she has been getting done. These pictures are from our Cali trips last year. We went twice, once in August and again in October, they were such fun trips!! This one as you can see is of my sisters and I. They are crazy girls but I love them tons!! lol They are so funny and are always making me smile! :D So the main reason I make these are for backgrounds on my work computer (another big reason why I don't make very many... I change it once a month) but hopefully I can get more free time to actually make pages for events... I'm excited to get some good pictures this summer!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

2009 Summer Bucket List!

tulips cala lily

With the weather being so nice the past couple of days I have been thinking a lot of what I want to do this summer. I have never really made a list of things I wanted to do… I kinda just played everything by ear, but this year I wanted to make a list. So here it goes :)

* Go on a Road trip!

*Plant flowers for mom and have a plant in my office (I have so much light in my new office with my HUGE windows!! and it’s one of the first things everyone tells me… “you need a plant” haha so I decided I am going to get one and try to keep it alive! I have bad luck with plants haha hopefully it will change with this one! Keep your fingers crossed!)

*Go camping!!!

*Learn how to fish- I have done the fishing as a kid with a string and a stick but this year I want to learn how to really fish… this will be interesting since I don’t like touching fish haha

*Go Wakeboarding!! I can’t wait for this one!! I have only gone once but it was so fun!!

*Get my CNA- I am one test and $70 away from getting it. I keep procrastinating this and I just need to get it done. I always find something else the money should go to. Maybe putting it on the list will push me to really get it done.

*Take a cooking class!!

*Put together a recipe book with all my favorite recipes. I have wanted to do this for a long time and have started so many. My family has great recipes and I want to make a cute book with all of them in there and than make copies for all the girls in my family.

*Have lots of BBQ’s with family and friends! I think it’s a great way for everyone to get together!!

*Learn a new craft- not sure yet what I want to learn… have any suggestions? Maybe…sewing?? I have always wanted to learn how to sew something other than a blanket… although I do love making those… maybe I will make a quilt for my bed. hmm…

*Paint my room/house- I am sick of boring white walls that get dirty so easily! I am really excited for this one!! :D

*Go to the zoo!! I haven’t been in ages! Last time it was filled with friends and family, tons of butterflies, monkeys, and screaming Lemurs haha

*Clean up the yard and fix the fence in the front of my house.

I’m sure plenty more will be added to this list but for now that will do. It seems like a fun summer is in store and hopefully I will be able to accomplish it all! :D

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A little Update :)

Okay so it's been a while since i have been able to blog. I start so many and just never get time to finishing them and when I finally have to to do a blog the other ones are so old.. I just do an update haha. So here is what has been going on in my life... (if I can remember haha)
Allan turned 14!! I unfortunately had to work so I did not get to go skiing. He is getting so big!! I can't believe it! He is such a stud and love him tons!!
Amanda turned 19!! So Amanda, Kathy, Nessa and I headed up to SLC went shopping at the Gateway!! Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic! and did a murder mystery and the Castle of Chaos! It was soo fun!! Here are a couple pics of that!
It was such a fun night!!
Also that month Kak, Urs and I went to a play at PG high. It was quite an interesting play filled with witches, giants, and cheating princes!! haha later that night Kak and I ran out of gas just as we were heading to fill her truck lol don't worry tho... Dad and Mom to the resuce!! They drove us up to the house to get a gas can and than dad drove us back down to fill the car... don't worry we lost the keys for a moment... which ended up being in the door. haha good times!
I also got to go to a Jazz game with my Uncle Jason. It is becoming our yearly tradition!! We went with a couple of his business friends and it was a ton of fun! They played the Celtics and won!! Great game!!
The biggest thing for me in march would be I got a new car!! So my dream car has been a Nissan Xterra for a very long time! I was sitting at home with my little sister Nessa watching Twilight when I get a phone call from my sisters saying my mom bought me a car!!! It just happens to be my Xterra!! I love it!! It is soo cute!! See...
A lot more happened these past couple months but those are the key things to share. Other than that I spent a lot of time with family and a couple weeks being sick while watching a ton of movies to help pass the time haha. I am finally starting to feel like my old self again lol and it is so nice!! Anyway there ya go... a little update on me! I will try and be better with posting more often!