Monday, October 19, 2009

Halloween Video

I laughed so hard making this video I just HAD to share it with everyone! Enjoy!!

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Monday, October 5, 2009

What a WEEK!!!

So this last week I started my second job at Noah Webster Academy!

Can I just tell you how much I LOVE it! I am a teacher assistant in the first grade classes. Those kids sure are a ton of fun!!

Adam Gev and I Halloween cutout

Gev, the little girl I use to nanny is in one of the classes and I love getting to see her everyday! Adam the little boy I used to nanny also goes to that school and I get to see him everyday as well during recess! It’s So Fun! I only work 3 hours Monday thru Friday but I seriously love every minute! I spend the first 30 minutes in Mrs. Benjamin’s class (grading their homework and walking around the class helping them with their current assignment) and then it is off to morning recess. After that I spend 30 minutes in Mrs. Harris’ class (Gev’s class)  followed by 30 minutes in Mrs. Reyes-Cairos Class. After that I am in the lunch room for about 15 minutes helping the kids warm their food and making sure they clean up after themselves. Once most of the kids have gone out for recess I head out and spend the remaining 40 minutes of my time with them outside. I watch over the kids playing in the field and I get to play with Adam and Gev! They go in 15 minutes before I leave and those last 15 minutes are the LONGEST minutes I am there lol. The 5th and 6th graders can get pretty crazy those last 15 minutes of recess!! lol

So now my weeks are crazy busy and I LOVE it… Here is an outline of what my week looks like.

Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Get up at 6
Work at Networks from 7-9:15
Work at Noah Webster from (9:30-12:30)
Pick up lunch from 12:30-1
Work at Networks from 1-5 sometimes 6
Chill at home or my mom’s or with my sister for the rest of the evening or catch up on cleaning or shopping.  
Monday-sometimes I have FHE
Wednesday I have institute that I go to if I don’t have other plans
Friday- Hang out with friends and family

Tuesday and Thursday
Get up at 6
Work at Networks from 7-9:15
Work at Noah Webster from (9:30-12:30)
Pick up lunch from 12:30-1
Work at Networks from 1-3:30
Volunteer at the Hospital from 4-6:30 (this will change to only Thursday in 3 weeks)
If needed I head back to work after the hospital in case I didn’t get everything done in the morning.
Tuesday Night I have weekly dinners at my aunt Marie’s and Uncle Jason’s.
Thursday Night are my night to just relax.

Weekends are pretty chill. I get to sleep in, which I LOVE, and just have fun shopping hanging out at home, chilling with friends and family, whatever I want.

So as you can see from above my life is super busy but I am LOVING every minute of it! My life has been drama free and I have enjoyed spending my time with people who are stress free! It make my life so much better! I seriously couldn’t ask for anything more right now!!

Just to end with a quote that I have loved this past week…
”There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus solely on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy!”

Have a great week everyone!!!


I am so excited that it is finally OCTOBER! This month is going to be so much FUN! I have decided that I am going to fill the month with Family, Friends and FUN! lol

Just a few highlights of the month…

5th- Birthday shopping with Amanda for B-day presents. (wish Kak could join!!)
9th- Amanda has this Friday off work so we are going to play this night! Maybe a haunted house?? I HATE haunted houses… but they are a MUST in October lol.
15th-20th – Kak and Blake will be coming up from St. George!!!
15th- Pirate Island for Blake’s Birthday
16th- Vanessa’s birthday!!
17th- Lagoon Frightmares!
18th- Pictures for our yearly Christmas gift for our mama
19th- (Although I have to work) I will be enjoying my last day with Kak and Blake!!
24th- Urs’ 16th Birthday!!
30-1st- Going do to St. George with Amanda and Vanessa to visit Kak and Blake!
31st- HALLOWEEN!!!

So most of my exciting events don’t start for a couple weeks… But I am still so excited! I am sure all my open days will be filled with chilling with friends, movies and hanging out with family!


I will post pics of everything next month!