Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Late Thanksgiving!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful thanksgiving!!! Mine was great! Somewhat stressful with having so many places that I needed to be but overall it was a good year!!
Just an update on my cute nephew... They put a shunt in his head and has been on some meds for a bladder infection but is doing soo good!! They were going to be able to take him home today but they have to wait until monday for a doctor to come and do one last check up on him. I am so excited for them to FINALLY be able to take that sweet little boy home!! Here are some newer pics of him!! He is sooo cute and sweet!!

He is soo cute!!!

He has to keep the NJ tube to help with feedings for a while.

He is sooo sweet!!!

Look at that SMILE!!! I LOVE IT!!!

It is so exciting that he will be home for Christmas!! I can't believe that he is over 2 months old! The time sure has flown by!!

Currently I am up in Park City with some friends and family!! It has been so fun! We are staying in the NICEST condo and we went SHOOTING today! It was so fun! I loved it and can't wait to go again!! It has been a great ending to the Thanksgiving break! I will put up pics as soon as I have them on the computer! I hope you all are having as much fun as I am.

Happy Birthday TWINS (on thursday!) I love you Tyler and Dallen!! :D

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Harley and Buddy!!!

She loves to cuddle!! Isn't she soo cute?!!
Buddy!!! (or as Jax calls him Bo Bo lol)
This past week my mom get a new dog. She is soooo cute!! She is an American Bulldog. She is three months old and is so sweet for being a rescue dog!! I just wanted to post some pictures of her and of Buddy. Buddy has been a family dog for the past 10 years and now lives with me so he can be an inside dog. He is such a grumpy old dog lol to new people but once he gets to know you he is the sweetest dog!! Here are a few pics I have! :)
On a side note one of our Yorkies is having puppies!!! She went to the vet on Friday and had an X-ray taken!! She is having 3 puppies within the next 2 of 3 days!! I will post pics as soon as I can!!


I was looking at quotes and I really like these ones and I just wanted to share them!!! :)

"Be deliriously happy. Or at least leave yourself open to be. Love is passion, obsession, someone you can't live without. I say fall head over heels. Find someone you can love like crazy and who'll love you the same way back. Run the risk, if you get hurt, you'll come back. Because, the truth is there is no sense living your life without this. To make the journey and not fall deeply in love -- well, you haven't lived a life at all. You have to try. Because if you haven't tried, you haven't lived." -Anthony Hopkins in Meet Joe Black

"Sometimes people put up walls not to keep people away but to see who cares enough to tear those walls down." - One Tree Hill

"When things are really special it makes it that much harder to let go." -unknown

If you have a favorite quote send it to me so I can add it to my quote book!! Thank you!! :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

October Fun!!

October has been a very fun filled month for me! From vacations to birthdays and more. Nothing to exciting to start mostly just working. UEA started for my siblings on Oct. 16th which happens to be my little sisters birthday. We sang Happy Birthday to Vanessa at midnight and than home I went to pack and color my sister Kathy's hair. We had bought this box of color and her hair turned a deep RED! It was not like it showed on the box at all! Luckily I had a box of brown that we put on the next day. After we had finished her hair and I had packed it was 3 AM! The next day I went on vacation for the weekend! It was tons of fun!! I drove home Monday and made it just in time for my nephews birthday party. I had tons of fun playing games with my nephew at Chuck E. Cheese... than it was time to open presents. After he had unwrapped all the gifts I began to help him open a few for him to play... well in the process of opening gifts I stabbed my hand with a knife. I headed to the ER where I spent 3 hours and got 4 stitches. Luckily I missed all the good stuff in my hand so there was no major damage. Yay me! :D Last Friday was my cousin Urs' birthday party. Happy Birthday URS! So... Amanda and I took her to The Dreaded Grove where we went to a fortune teller, rode on the swamp ride, and went through the Haunted Forest and saw Will's band play. It was sooo much fun! Perfect for Halloween! After we than went to her house and sang Happy Birthday with the fam. Great Night!! The following week started out good but ended up be not so exciting... Filled with a lot of stress and not so happy moments. On Monday I was able to take my dog Buddy home!! It was so fun! He is a cute, old, grumpy dog. He has been with my family for about 10 years now! My mom and step dad want to get some pitt bulls and so I took Buddy so he wouldn't have to be an outside dog anymore! His body is to old for the cold! lol. Following that the not so fun part of my week started. First my debit card was stolen and used by some guy and the following day my sister was in a car accident that totaled her truck. Luckily everyone was fine! She is a little soar but that's about it! Thankfully!!! We all used the weekend to relax!! Today I was able to get my stitches out! My hand hurts somewhat and I have to keep it wrapped for the next couple of weeks to keep it from reopening... and it is currently hurting at the moment so I am going to call it a day... Her are some pictures of my cousins birthday, I will get others posted soon!! Enjoy!!!