Monday, April 20, 2009

2009 Summer Bucket List!

tulips cala lily

With the weather being so nice the past couple of days I have been thinking a lot of what I want to do this summer. I have never really made a list of things I wanted to do… I kinda just played everything by ear, but this year I wanted to make a list. So here it goes :)

* Go on a Road trip!

*Plant flowers for mom and have a plant in my office (I have so much light in my new office with my HUGE windows!! and it’s one of the first things everyone tells me… “you need a plant” haha so I decided I am going to get one and try to keep it alive! I have bad luck with plants haha hopefully it will change with this one! Keep your fingers crossed!)

*Go camping!!!

*Learn how to fish- I have done the fishing as a kid with a string and a stick but this year I want to learn how to really fish… this will be interesting since I don’t like touching fish haha

*Go Wakeboarding!! I can’t wait for this one!! I have only gone once but it was so fun!!

*Get my CNA- I am one test and $70 away from getting it. I keep procrastinating this and I just need to get it done. I always find something else the money should go to. Maybe putting it on the list will push me to really get it done.

*Take a cooking class!!

*Put together a recipe book with all my favorite recipes. I have wanted to do this for a long time and have started so many. My family has great recipes and I want to make a cute book with all of them in there and than make copies for all the girls in my family.

*Have lots of BBQ’s with family and friends! I think it’s a great way for everyone to get together!!

*Learn a new craft- not sure yet what I want to learn… have any suggestions? Maybe…sewing?? I have always wanted to learn how to sew something other than a blanket… although I do love making those… maybe I will make a quilt for my bed. hmm…

*Paint my room/house- I am sick of boring white walls that get dirty so easily! I am really excited for this one!! :D

*Go to the zoo!! I haven’t been in ages! Last time it was filled with friends and family, tons of butterflies, monkeys, and screaming Lemurs haha

*Clean up the yard and fix the fence in the front of my house.

I’m sure plenty more will be added to this list but for now that will do. It seems like a fun summer is in store and hopefully I will be able to accomplish it all! :D

1 comment:

Brandon, Emily & Sydney Wilson said...

Well what an awesome surprise to see you post on my blog....I am so happy to see you have a blog and it looks like you are doing so good. I sure miss you and your family! Can't believe you've been out of Young Womens for so long. How's the single adult ward scene? Do you attend one? As you can see we had another baby girl. So I'm pretty busy. Do you and Sis. G still keep in touch? I so want to come visit the ward and say hi to everyone. Not sure when we'll get back to Utah again. you'll have to give me your e-mail cause I'm totally writing the longest comment ever. I love your "to do" list for the summer. I need one of those. Tell your family hello and I miss you so much. Thanks for finding me.! love, Sister Wilson....okay those days have passed...I'm emily*