Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sore Much??

I woke up this morning SOOOOOOOO sore!!! It's a love/hate feeling. LOL I LOVE being sore... I know I worked out good when I am sore BUT at the same time it makes work difficult. I am always moving around my office and each turn I make I feel pain (heck even typing hurts my arms a little haha.) All I can say about it is... BRING IT ON!!!!  :D

On a different note... funny story about Foxie. She is such a silly dog! That dog loves towels. After I shower I always blow dry my hair in my room. When she sees a towel on my head she freaks out!!! I set my towel on my bed and she starts rolling all over it! LOL I don't know what it is about the towel but she LOVES it.  It's one of her favorite things to do in the morning haha. But it doesn't end there! She goes crazy for air blowing in her face. It's sooooooo funny! The second the blow dryer is in my hand she starts jumping and spinning and pawing at my hands. So every now and then I point it at her and let it blow on her. She goes crazy trying to bite the air. haha It makes me laugh. It's such a fun way to start the day!  Here are some pictures of here trying to bite the air.
Foxie Towel
Here she is just chilling on my towel after rolling around on it.
 Foxie Biting at Air
Trying to get the air.
 Foxie Biting at Air 2
This one she wasn't really biting at the air... Just soaking it in instead.
 Foxie Blow Dryer
Sorry they are blurry but in this one you can see her mouth open. 

That dog sure keeps me busy but I sure do love her!! She is such fun!! 

Tomorrow... I get my phone!! I seriously can't wait!! This has been the longest week of my life waiting for it but at the same time I can't believe it is Thursday already.
Tomorrow =  new phone + weekend! What could be better?? 

Have a GREAT Thursday!!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

What a morning!!

Dear Elliptical Machine,
       Thank you for kicking my but this morning! It was AWESOME!! My legs are already soar!! I will miss you tomorrow but don't worry I will be back Friday bright and early!!

Dear Boys Like Girls,
       Thank you for accompanying me during my fabulous work out this morning. I love you! Your music is the!

This morning I woke up at 4AM!! It was crazy I can't believe I have been awake for 6 hours and it's only 10AM! After about an hour of trying to get back to sleep I decided it was hopeless and went to the gym instead. I had an AWESOME work out! I am starting a new work out program! Today is day 2! I am hoping if I put it on here then it will help keep me motivated!

So here is the new plan... 45 - 60 min cardio workout in the morning 5 days a week (currently my goal is to go Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri and Sat since I have my shift at the hospital on Thursdays) and then a 30 - 45 min weights workout in the afternoon/evenings 2 times a week (Any day I have time and Thursday after my shift at the hospital.)

On top of that I am doing a new diet!! My dad is what they call borderline diabetic. He is awesome and keeps it under control with diet and exercise. So I am going to do his diet as well. Mostly what you do is count carbs. So since bread has soooo many carbs I have decided to stop eating bread completely.  I am going to miss it! LOL my family is big on French bread so it will be hard but I can do it!!

This was what it looked like outside when I got home... Morning Pic
LOVE IT!!! It rained a little before I left to go to the gym and afterwards the sun was coming out and it smelled AWESOME!! Great way to start a morning!!

Count down to my new phone: 2 DAYS!!! Yay! Friday please come fast!!