Saturday, July 24, 2010

I might not…

I might not be the most beautiful, or the sexiest, nor do I have the perfect body. I might not be everyone’s first choice, but I'm a great choice. I don’t pretend to be someone I'm not because I'm too good at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done in the past but I'm proud of who I am today. Take me as I am or watch me as I walk away.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sometimes I feel like this….

I have always liked Avril Lavigne and parts of this song have recently really hit me… not necessarily about a boy but about so many things is my life at the moment.


Ladatadata ladatadatadadadatadada dadadadada
I'm tuggin' at my hair
I'm pullin' at my clothes
I'm tryin' to keep my cool
I know it shows
I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
And I'm searching for the words inside my head
'Cause I'm feeling nervous
Tryin' to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I want to blow you--away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I want to see
I want to see you go down--on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
It don't do me any good it's just a waste of time
What use is it to you what's on my mind?
If it ain't comin' out, we're not going anywhere
So why can't I just tell you that I care?
'Cause I'm feeling nervous
Tryin' to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it
If I could say what I wanna say
I'd say I want to blow you--away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I wanna see
I want to see you go down--on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
(What is)What's wrong with my tongue?
These words keep slipping away
(I stutter)I stutter (I stumble)I stumble like I've got nothing to say
'Cause I'm feeling nervous
Trying to be so perfect
'Cause I know you're worth it, you're worth it
[Verbal Acoustics]
Ladatadata ladatadatadadadatadada dadadadada
Ladatadata ladatadatadadadatadada dadadadada
I guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
If I could say what I want to say
I'd say I want to blow you--away
Be with you every night
Am I squeezing you too tight?
If I could see what I want to see
I want to see you go down--on one knee
Marry me today
Guess I'm wishing my life away
With these things I'll never say
These things I'll never Say...........

Now don’t get me wrong… I am really loving life right now. I have a wonderful family, great friends, great house to live in, just to name a few, but there is just something that… feels like it’s missing and I can’t quite figure it out. I have my moments where I get really nervous that I don’t know what it is :s I guess it’s a mystery for now that I have to figure out and might as well try to make it an adventure. Guess that’s one of the great things about life. There is always some way to make things more enjoyable. :)

Well I’m off to bed. Goodnight all!

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Thursday I went to dinner with my aunt and uncle and their kids and afterwards hung out at their house. Can I just say I have the cutest cousins EVER!! LOVE them!!!
Tyler is such a little model! He LOVES to have his picture taken!  IMAG0082IMAG0079
Dallen is a little more camera shy. He is such a cutie!  IMAG0084IMAG0091   IMAG0085 IMAG0088
Auntie and Tyler. They loved their hats and wouldn’t take them off. LOL Every time they fell off we had to stop and put them back on. We couldn’t continue until they were back on. :) Good night!  

Tiki BBQ

Amanda and I moved into my  mom’s house since they have moved out of the country. One day while we were shopping at WalMart she saw these Tiki torches and said we should have a Tiki BBQ… So we DID! Kak and Blake came up from St. George and had some great friends come over. It was SOOOOOO much fun!! We had yummy food followed by Volleyball, Badminton and Mad Gab!!! It was such a GREAT NIGHT!
Kak made some cute cute decorations for the BBQ!! IMG_9014 IMG_9015  IMG_9025IMG_9024 
Yummy Food!!!
Mad Gab!!

Texas Roadhouse, Rubios and movies!!

What could be more fun than Texas Roadhouse and some good movies to fill someone's month?? Not much!!! LOL

Amanda and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and Sean joined us as soon as he got off work. They have amazing ribs!!! I didn’t each much since the rolls and salad filled me up but I am definitely going to have to go there again!! :)

After dinner we went and watch Knight and Day. Now I’m not a huge Tom Cruise fan but he did alright in this movie. The best part was Cameron Diaz though! She was HILARIOUS!!! I would recommend the movie just because of her.

Okay day #2
So I have been trying new places to eat and I am really enjoying it. Amanda, Sean and I went to Rubio’s another night for dinner and they had a YUMMY steak burrito! I have been craving it since we have been! You should definitely try it out!!

After dinner this time we went and watched Grown Ups. Such a funny movie! I laughed quite a bit!! LOL

What great fun!!


This year I went to Strawberry days with Hayley!! It was sooo much fun!! Friday night we went to the RODEO!!! Oh how I LOVE Rodeos!!! How can you not? Strawberry’s and cream, HOT cowboys… need I say more? LOL

See for yourself! :)

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Saturday night Hayley and I went and did the carnival part of Strawberry Days. We ate some yummy food, had fun looking at the booths, and rode some fun rides!! What a great night!!
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(Thanks for the pic Hay!! ;))

It was soooo much fun!! A great way to start off the summer! <3

Happy Birthday Kak!!

   Happy Birthday to my amazing, beautiful, fun, crazy sister Kak!!

We had so much fun celebrating her birthday!! We went to dinner at Pizza Factory and went to watch Killers (funny funny movie :))

But anyway back to the reason I am writing this post! The things I love about Kak!

Kak is such and awesome girl.
She is so much fun to be around.
She is hilarious.
She is so creative.
She brightens the room when she enters it.

Kak loves doing crafts.
She loves her family.
She loves Blake and Foxie.
She loves her new car ;)
She always says the funniest things.
I love her face.
I loves her laugh.
I love playing with her.
I love her how outgoing she is.
I love how she brings the best out of people.
I love how she is always there for me!

I miss our late night IHOP runs.
I miss the nights of cruising.
We have so much fun together!
Nights/Days filled with running out of gas,
cheating princes,
slurpee runs,
early morning gym workouts,
Car washes (with leaking windows),
midnight dollar movies,
Things we have to do when she comes home to visit!!

I love you Kak!

Thanks for being such an awesome sister!! You truly brighten my life!