Thursday, April 9, 2009

A little Update :)

Okay so it's been a while since i have been able to blog. I start so many and just never get time to finishing them and when I finally have to to do a blog the other ones are so old.. I just do an update haha. So here is what has been going on in my life... (if I can remember haha)
Allan turned 14!! I unfortunately had to work so I did not get to go skiing. He is getting so big!! I can't believe it! He is such a stud and love him tons!!
Amanda turned 19!! So Amanda, Kathy, Nessa and I headed up to SLC went shopping at the Gateway!! Watched Confessions of a Shopaholic! and did a murder mystery and the Castle of Chaos! It was soo fun!! Here are a couple pics of that!
It was such a fun night!!
Also that month Kak, Urs and I went to a play at PG high. It was quite an interesting play filled with witches, giants, and cheating princes!! haha later that night Kak and I ran out of gas just as we were heading to fill her truck lol don't worry tho... Dad and Mom to the resuce!! They drove us up to the house to get a gas can and than dad drove us back down to fill the car... don't worry we lost the keys for a moment... which ended up being in the door. haha good times!
I also got to go to a Jazz game with my Uncle Jason. It is becoming our yearly tradition!! We went with a couple of his business friends and it was a ton of fun! They played the Celtics and won!! Great game!!
The biggest thing for me in march would be I got a new car!! So my dream car has been a Nissan Xterra for a very long time! I was sitting at home with my little sister Nessa watching Twilight when I get a phone call from my sisters saying my mom bought me a car!!! It just happens to be my Xterra!! I love it!! It is soo cute!! See...
A lot more happened these past couple months but those are the key things to share. Other than that I spent a lot of time with family and a couple weeks being sick while watching a ton of movies to help pass the time haha. I am finally starting to feel like my old self again lol and it is so nice!! Anyway there ya go... a little update on me! I will try and be better with posting more often!


KappyAnn said...

the two pictures of your car look the exact same! haha but it's still hot! love it =]] I'm excited for you! I'm sorry i'm such a lame sister, with my head in the clouds. I love you.

Hayley said...

K, SO FUN! Let us play ok!? I'm bAAaack. :)