Friday, May 28, 2010


Today my day will consist of the following 2 things....

1.) Work- today is my first day just working one job. I finished working at Noah Webster yesterday and it was sooooo hard!! I didn't think I would get as sad as I did. One of my first graders came up and gave me a hug and just started crying! He said that he would miss me and I just lost it! I sure do love that boy!! After that I couldn't stop! I am going to miss all my kids soooo much! I hope they all have a WONDERFUL summer!Anyway. I am excited to only be worrying about one job now!! and bonus... I got to sleep in until 7:30 this morning!! It was AWESOME!!!

2.) GNO!!! Yay for girl's night out!! Amanda D and I will be going to go watch... The Bounty Hunter.
I have heard mixed reviews on this movie but... I think the trailer looks funny and it's at the dollar theater so we are going!! I am hoping I like!! I love both Jen Aniston and Gerard Butler (he is fine!!!) so even in the end if the movie is lame... there is some good eye candy! ;) haha

On a side note... 1 WEEK until I will have my new phone!!
Isn't it pretty???!!!! I seriously can't wait!!  Yay for new phones!!

Have a GREAT weekend and Memorial Day everyone!!


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